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Mom Genes: Kicking Off Our Open House Giveaways!

As part of our Open House, we will have three giveaways of Galderma filler: Restylane, Silk and Lyft!

How to enter? Upload a picture of you and your mom together to Facebook or Instagram with #momgenes AND @bodytonic. Not only will this serve as your entry into the giveaway on May 5th, but we will donate $5 per picture to St. Jude's Children's Hospital.

Gina and her mom. Gina has Dysport for forehead and glabellar lines, and crow's feet,

and Silk in her lips.

"Mom Genes" is a campaign developed by Galderma as a way to open a discussion about facial aging between mother and daughter, to bring attention to the similarity of how daughters age like their mothers, and ways to make facial aging easier for the younger generation.

Leslie and her mom. Leslie has Restylane for lip enhancement and tear troughs, and

Dysport for forehead and glabellar lines.

Galderma put together a research study to find out how moms and daughters feel about facial aging. Maybe you have your mom’s eyes, her freckles, or her smile, but looking like mom can also mean aging like mom.

Maricela and her mom. Maricela has Dysport for forehead lines and crow's feet, and

Restylane for lip enhancement.

Every cell in your body has DNA from your mom. That includes the cells on your face! No matter what genes you inherited, our faces age in similar ways. And 77% of daughters worry about facial aging more if they feel they will look like their mom (sorry mom)!

Kit and her mom. Kit has Restylane for tear trough enhancement and Silk for lips, and Dysport for forehead and glabellar lines, and crow's feet.

66% of moms and 77% of daughters said they would be interested in injectable treatments if they could get natural looking results. And natural looking results is what we strive for here!

Iris and her mom. Iris has Dysport for forehead and glabellar lines, and crow's feet. She also has Silk for lip enhancement and some Lyft in the cheek area.

All these women are so gorgeous and I just love seeing such happy moms and daughters. Show us your #momgenes for a chance to win some help with facial aging!

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