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Skin and Tonic: 5 Ways to Care for Your Skin

Microdermabrasion is our weekly special this week, and so that got me thinking about all the different services we offer for exfoliation. There are five main ways you can achieve exfoliation, all in varying levels of depth and intensity. Skin care maintenance throughout the year is crucial for an effective anti-aging routine, but you wouldn’t want to always do the same procedure without ever changing it up. Here are five exfoliation treatments you can do throughout the year. Mix and match!


Many women get facials because they're relaxing. Really a facial should be about skincare, but of course it’s a bonus for it to be a relaxing experience as well. Here is what a great facial can provide:

Professionally cleansed skin

Removal of blackheads with manual extractions

Improvement in dehydrated skin and restoration of the skin's natural barrier function

Exfoliation of skin with a scrub or masque

Application of hydration products, antioxidant serums, and SPF (especially important as your skin is more sensitive to sun after a facial)

Remember that your daily skin care routine and the products you use are more important than what you do occasionally, but combining your daily at-home care with professional treatments like these, can render impressive results.


Dermaplaning is a method of professionally exfoliating the skin with a surgical blade. Some women, especially blondies, have a lot of “peach fuzz” on their face. Some of us are bothered by it, or would prefer not to have it at all. Dermaplaning removes that peach fuzz, leaving you with extremely smooth skin. Dermaplaning also removes the top layer of dead skin cells, which helps promote cell turn over and can lessen the look of fine lines, as well as improve skin texture. Skincare products can also penetrate more deeply through the freshly exfoliated skin, giving you optimal benefit. The whole procedure leaves you glowing. You can do this procedure every 4-6 weeks, but not sooner as the vellus hair on our faces also has a role in helping oil leave the deeper skin layers. Exfoliating too often can cause irritation or breakouts, as the oil becomes trapped within the skin.


Microdermabrasion is a noninvasive, skin resurfacing procedure that uses tiny crystals to gently exfoliate the top layer of dead skin cells, while stimulating collagen growth, to reveal healthy new skin that looks and feels smoother. Fine lines, blemishes, dull skin and sun spots can be improved, especially with regular treatments. It is less aggressive than laser treatments, but leaves the skin looking brighter and softer. A microdermabrasion can be combined with other treatments like facials or chemical peels for added benefit.

Chemical Peels:

Chemical peels are topically applied formulas that revitalize the skin surface by creating an even and controlled shedding of the skin cells. This allows new layers to be exposed, creating a fresh appearance and smoother texture to the skin surface. A chemical peel can improve sun damage, acne scarring, blotchy pigmentation, and fine lines. A peel can also improve acne-prone skin and clogged pores. As with all of these treatments, a series of peels renders optimal results.

We offer a variety of peels that range from mild to more aggressive: Jessner, Illuminize, Blue Peel Radiance, Skin Ceuticals MicroPeel, and the Advanced Corrective Peel.

Non-ablative, laser resurfacing (Whisper): The Whisper is a skin resurfacing treatment that uses a laser to remove the outer layer of skin. This means that the visible sun damage on the face and some of the signs of aging, like fine lines, are removed. Skin cell turnover, as well as and collagen and elastin production, is stimulated. The result is skin with dramatically improved clarity, texture, and suppleness, with less fine lines and sun damage. The Whisper laser also heats the underlying tissue which helps stimulate collagen. The result is smoother, younger, more vibrant looking skin.

This procedure is minimally invasive and takes about thirty minutes to complete. A topical anesthetic will be applied prior to treatment, so there will be minimal discomfort. Downtime is about one week and you may not be out in the sun afterwards. Your skin will be red for several days, tight, and then will begin to flake or peel at about four days post-procedure. This will continue until about 7-10 days post-procedure.

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