Our bodies have a remarkable arsenal of antioxidant enzymes that help in maintaining a healthy balance of reactive oxygen species (aka oxidative stress) but as we age, these control mechanisms decline. A recent study published in the journal Nutrition suggests that supplementing one’s diet with the amino acid taurine could be a realistic approach to address the issue. The study analyzed oxidative stress markers in the blood of 55-70 year old women. This clinical trial showed that adding this nutrient to the diet could strengthen the body’s antioxidant defenses and possibly lower the chance of developing diabetes, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease.


Taurine is a non-essential amino acid. What this means is that your body can produce it on its own, but in the case of a deficiency there are other natural dietary sources for it. Taurine is naturally produced in some tissues of the human body, particularly the liver, and is important to the functioning of the central nervous system, immunity, eyesight, and fertility.


The initial plan of the trial was to look at the effects of taurine supplementation in conjunction with exercise training, as well as both treatments separately. Physical activity is thought to be one of the main ways to regulate levels of oxidizing substances and antioxidants in the body, and the proper amount is thought to enhance the benefits of taurine. It was observed that a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular exercise is fundamental for the anti-aging effect to occur.

10 Foods Rich in Taurine:

  • Shellfish

  • Liver

  • Eggs

  • Seaweed

  • Turkey

  • Nuts

  • Dairy

  • Salmon

  • Beef Jerky

  • Lamb

It is important to bear in mind that the benefits and risks of dietary taurine supplementation are still being investigated. Food supplements should not be taken without medical supervision.
